Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Job Satisfaction- Got it

Job Satisfaction- Got it It seems that the US has hit rock bottomwell, job satisfaction is at an all time low.   However, this should come as no surprise.   Many have been holding on to jobs, just waiting for the tide to turn.   Others have taken jobs to pay the bills. The scary part of all of this is that job satisfaction directly correlates to innovation.   Right now, we, the US, need more innovation. Here are some posts that take a deeper look in to employee satisfaction: Only 45% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs.   Read the entire summary from MSNBC.   Americans’  job satisfaction falls to record low According to the Conference Board these are some of the reasons why: Fewer workers consider their jobs to be interesting. Incomes have not kept up with inflation. The soaring cost of health insurance has eaten into workers take-home pay. From the employers perspective, there are issues as well, how to retain talent. The Mass Exodus of Talent by Rob Jannone Dissatisfied  Workers + Recovery = Workforce Planning from ERE.net Before you jump on the bandwagon and start believing you are miserable too, consider what defines job satisfaction for you.   By the way, it isnt as easy as it sounds. 5 Step Method for Defining Your Job Satisfaction from Careerealism Did You Choose Your Working Environment Or Did It Just Come With The Job? from Adventures from the Job Search Ninja, Todd Bavol Once you have pin pointed what satisfies you and before you jump ship, plan your job search campaign. Are you one of the 45% of employed Americans dissatisfied with your job?   Tell me why!

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