Tuesday, December 31, 2019

4 things NOT to do when making your reference list

4 things NOT to do when making your reference list4 things NOT to do when making your reference listComing up with a reference list can be tricky to reach out, or bedrngnis to reach out? To admit that its been a while, or not?close dialog Advertisementclose dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012257 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012257-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360 deg) bx-close-inside-1012257 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012257 bx-creative-1012257 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012257 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color erkennbarborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-group-1012257-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay blockwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-101 2257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012257 .bx-element-1012257-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)Heres what not to do when considering references for your latest job application.Dont make up your history with the person when reaching outThis should really go without saying, but theres nothing to be gained from fabricating your past with the person youre reaching out to, even if its been a while.It makes no sense, and theyll probably call you out on it.Although your time working with the person may seem very distant,you definitely shouldnt embellish the truth in an effort to make yourself look better. It will only backfire.Dont forget to think about what the person might really sayBe realistic before reaching out. Is there anything that your potential reference could say that could cast you in a negative light?Monster contributor Da niel Bortz writes that one of the errors people make is blindly assuming the person will give you a glowing review.Even though you think you were a great employee, your past manager may not feel the same way, Bortz writes. If youre even the slightest bit unsure of where you stand, ask your references ahead of time what theyre going to say about you. If they dont plan on flattering you, take them off your references list and move on to the next person.Dont reach out to someone who let you go from a companyCounselor Caris Thetford writes in The Muse that you shouldnt put someone who fired you on your list of references.I wish I didnt have to explain this, but Ive actually been asked, How do I deal with the fact that one of my references fired me?, she writes. There may be times when you cant avoid a potential employer talking with a past employer with whom you had a terrible relationship. But you dont have to serve that up on a silver platter by including them on a document you contro l. Theres no universal mandate that you have to use your most recent (or any past) supervisor for this.Dont obnoxiously rub in your successAre you still part of that one department? Its been so many years since we worked together - Ive moved on to so many different employers while chasing my passion that Icant even rememberDont do this.You may have found massive success since you worked with this geschftliches miteinander contact many years ago, but remember, youre the one whos asking for help. So stay humble.The last thing you want to do is talk down to someone who has the power to sway your potential employers decision.

Friday, December 27, 2019

4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture

4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational Culture4 Steps to Creating a Healthy Organizational CultureEvery organization develops an organizational culture. Sometimes company cultures just happen. They develop over time from the interaction of the people in an organization. Nobody ever sat down and thought through what they wanted the company to become. It just happened. Some company founders sit down and discuss the type of culture theyd like to have from day one. They are focused on creating a specific culture. Sometimes they succeed at this, and sometimes they fail. Why would they fail if they are so set on developing a specific culture? The Purposeful Culture Group offers explanations. Heres what you need to know to shape your organizations culture purposefully. Only Senior Leaders Can Modify Their Organizations Culture Joe in accounting is a great guy who is always friendly, kind, and fair, but his behavior is notlage enough to change the organizations overall culture. Ste ve in marketing can act like a jerk, but his bad behavior isnt enough to land the company in the worst places to work list. But, the behaviors of senior leaders do cause changes to the overall organizations culture. To help guide senior leaders to become more attentive to culture and intentional about culture, consider these tips from S. Chris Edmonds, CEO of the Purposeful Culture Group. Make your culture as important as results, your values as important as productivity.Your organization has stated performance expectations and works to hold everyone accountable for those expectations. What fruchtwein organizations dont have are expectations about values, liberating rules that ensure cooperation, teamwork, validation, and (yes) fun at work. With both performance expectations and values expectations formally defined and agreed to, you know youve spelled out exactly how you want everyone to behave. Do you say that your organizations culture is one of openness and honesty, but you make big decisions behind closed doors? If an employee complains about something, are they praised for bringing the issue to senior managements attention, or shunned for being a nay-sayer or tattletale? Many companies say that they value one type of action, but they would never punish a manager for violating those culture rules. Make sure that you hold everyone inyour organization to the culture guidelines. If you arent holding everyone to them, its not your actual culture. Make them observable, tangible, and measurable. If you ask ten people in your company what integrity means, youll get ten different answers. (Maybe twenty.) You must define your values in behavioral terms. Craft I value statements that outline how you want people to behave. You might decide that integrity means I keep my promises or I do what I say I will do. Those specific behaviors leave little wiggle room for interpretation. Note that youre only defining desirable behaviors rather than making statements like I don t curse at my customers. Formalize only the behaviors you want everyone to model. I statements are somewhat difficult to craft if you arent completely clear on what you mean. Lots of companies- especially in the startup world- want to have fun cultures. But what does that mean? Does that mean you play sports or have water fights at lunch? If you cant define what a fun culture means, you cant enforce and measure it. It is a critical step that takes a lot of time but do not skip it, or youll never shape the culture you want. Live your valued behaviors in every interaction. Just telling people how you want them to behave doesnt mean theyll immediately begin acting that way. Leaders must be role models of desired valued behaviors. How leaders embrace, model, and coach these valued behaviors is how team members will (or wont) embrace them. Leaders modeling behaviors is powerful- and they must validate others modeling desired behaviors and redirect folks who are not modeling desired behav iors. Living your stated values may also mean making hard decisions. If your stated value is fairness, and your I statement is I treat everyone equally, you have to fire the office bully, even if she brings in the highest sales and large amounts of money. It may seem painful to the bottom line, but your employees wont take your culture seriously if you dont make hard decisions in line with the values. Hold everyone accountable for living your valued behaviors, daily.Dont tolerate bad behavior any longer. Just as meeting performance expectations deserves reward and recognition, so too should modeling desired valued behaviors. And, just as missing performance expectations deserves redirection and coaching, so too should not modeling desired valued behaviors. By holding people accountable for both performance and values, you increase the frequency of desired performance and desired values. It is the fruchtwein critical step. You cant let a value slide because its crunch time or a big c lient that you cant afford to lose is involved. If you do, then your real values are different than the stated values, and your real culture is not whats printed on the plaque in your break room. As a leader, the most important person to hold to this standard is yourself. You cant make exceptions for leadership or high performers. Its either the companys value or its not. Holding people accountable every day will make a world of difference in how your companys culture grows and becomes a positive work environment. With a positive work environment, youll see employee performance improve as well, and youll make your workplace a more attractive destination for top quality employees. Suzanne Lucas is a freelance journalist specializing in Human Resources. Suzannes work has been featured on notes publications including Forbes, CBS, Business Insider and Yahoo.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Theres No Such Thing as a Right Career Decision - The Muse

Tzu siches No Such Thing as a Right Career Decision - The MuseTheres No Such Thing as a Right Career Decision I recently received a call from a distressed former graduate assistant who was working in a new full-time job. In a downtrodden voice she told me, I made a huge mistake accepting this job. Among many concerns, she wasnt doing what she was hired to do, and she was- understandably- unhappy. Even so, I didnt see her decision as a mistake, and I told her as much. I reminded her that she made the best decision she could with the information she had. She was able to get to the geographical area where she wanted to be, and she had the opportunity to learn and build her experience in the role. Meet people, try things, and learn everything you can, I told her. But keep looking for the next opportunity. This is just the first stop in your careerI frequently encounter people struggling with a career decision they believe they have to get right or disaster is surely imminent.What if I ta ke this job and I hate it?What if I select this major and later figure out I want to do something different?What if I take an opportunity with this company, while my friend takes an opportunity with another company- and her life is way better than mine?But this idea of right and wrong in your career path is a fallacy. There are only choices, and with every choice comes an opportunity. Deciding to join a committee could give you an opportunity to network. Deciding to apply for another position with your current company could give you an opportunity to advance faster than staying in your current role. Deciding to apply for a position with a new company could give you an opportunity to move to a great new geographic location. Deciding to get an MBA could give you an opportunity to increase your earning potential. See? Whatever decision you have to make, the fruchtwein important thing is that you make the most of it, rather than focusing on making the right decision. So how do you capit alize on this no right or wrong philosophy? Here are four ideas to get you started.1. Accept That Not Everyone Has a Linear Career PathCareer Chaos Theory (sometimes known as Happenstance Theory) posits that many people follow non-linear career paths due to the unpredictable circumstances that influence our paths. You are probably familiar with many examples this the accountant who gets laid off and becomes an entrepreneur, the corporate CEO who follows a lifetime passion to become a minister, or the museum curator who moves home to care for an ailing parent and finds a niche in the business world. behauptung twists and turns can look chaotic on the surface, but if you dig a bit, youll often find that the person was able to take lessons and skills from one circumstance and transfer them successfully to another- by being flexible and open to change. A great foundational document to learn more about this is John Krumboltzs The Happenstance Learning Theory, which contains one of my fav orite career-related quotes of all time So if you are undecided about your future (as indeed every sensible person should be), dont call yourself undecided call yourself open-minded. Another powerful read is You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path From Chaos to Career by Katharine Brooks. The book is geared toward liberal arts majors whose career paths are often less obvious than some of their counterparts who majored in engineering or nursing. Regardless of your background, however, the book can help you recognize how to combine and capitalize on varied interests and skills. These works will help you shift your mindset away from panicky thinking about career decisions to an adaptive mindset that recognizes and builds on opportunities- no matter what choice you make.2. Incorporate the Word and in Your ReasoningWhen you are thinking or talking through a significant decision, stop using or and but- words that limit your options. Instead, try substituting the word and, which opens up po ssibilities. For example, lets say youre trying to decide if you should apply for a new position. With a limited mindset, you might think, Im interested in this new position, but I have security where I am. I can apply for that job or I can stay where I know I have a steady paycheck and am on track for a raise next year. When you substitute and, it sounds like this Im interested in this new position, and I like the security of my current position. From this shift, you realize youd need to ask some pointed questions about salary and prepare to negotiate if you pursue the new position. Suddenly, considering the role doesnt have to mean sacrificing stability.This simple change in the way you think and talk about your options strips away limitations and opens your eyes to new possibilities. 3. Make the Absolute Most of Any Decision You MakeWhenever you make a decision, throw yourself into it full-force. After all, a decision that required so much thought and energy is one that deserves of a high level of commitment. For example, if you join a new committee, make a point of meeting everyone else on it. Make friends and share ideas. Aim to showcase your abilities among the committee members, but also try to learn from these new contacts. Maybe your specialty is communication, while someone else is an established project manager. Collaborate with that person to learn more about project management, which can help you in your future assignments- both with the committee and in your full-time role. This is also applicable when you decide not to do something. Maybe you decline joining a committee because of your current obligations. Throw yourself wholeheartedly into those commitments. Learn everything you can from the work you are doing and the people you are doing it with. Capitalizing on your decisions is the only way to move forward and continue to create opportunities for yourself.4. Keep in Mind That a Single Choice Doesnt Have to Define Your Entire CareerIf you pur sue something that ends up making you unhappy, dont panic. Tell yourself that its simply a stepping stone to something bigger and better. Think about it as a level in a game You have to earn as many points (e.g., knowledge, contacts, or skills) as possible to move to the next level. Then, look for an opportunity to make your move. The only mistake in a less-than-ideal situation is giving up. Everything is an opportunity to learn and grow, if you choose to learn and grow. You cant control everything in your environment, but to paraphrase Viktor Frankl, who survived Nazi concentration camps to become a renowned psychiatrist, you control your response to your environment. No one can stop you from learning. No one can stop you from building relationships. No one can stop you from promoting yourself. So, what happened with my unhappy former graduate assistant? She recently interviewed for a new job. She asked more and better questions during the interview process because of her previous experience. She was more discerning in evaluating the company and making a decision. Ultimately, she went for it. She has been in her new role about a month, and she absolutely loves it. Even though she disliked and was eager to leave her former job, she is adamant that she would not have been considered for her current role without the experience she gained in that role. Her previous job wasnt the wrong job for her. It was the right job at the time, which later opened the door for a better opportunity. There is no right and no wrong. There are just choices and opportunities.Photo of directional signs courtesy of Shutterstock.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How to Become a Creative Director

How to Become a Creative DirectorHow to Become a Creative DirectorIts considered the pinnacle of a creative persons career. Whether you stspecies out as a juniorchef copywriter, junior art director, or junior designer, the ultimate pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is the creative director role. But its never handed to anyone on a silver platter, and it takes an incredible amount of hard work, time, and dedication to fill those shoes. Heres how you get there. The Early Years When you start our in your advertising career, most likely in the creative department (although some do it from very different avenues), you will be very green. You wont know the ropes yet, and youll rely on almost everyone in the department to help you get the lay of the land. If youre a junior copywriter, youll be mentored by copywriters and associate creative directors with a copywriting background. The same goes for art director and designer roles. And although you may have some contact with the creat ive director, it will be limited in the beginning. You may get to show your ideas to the creative director, although dont be surprised if your peers do this for the first few months (or even years). This is not a slight on you, but more a process that saves time. Creative directors in large ad agencies have to oversee work on dozens of accounts and will rely on their direct reports to present overarching campaigns. This lack of contact with the creative director can often lead to a mixture of fear and anxiety when it comes time to present your work. With few exceptions (if youre reading this, you know who you are), creative directors came up through the ranks and remember what it welches like to be a junior. They want you to do well, and although they may be blunt, they are always on your side. If you do well, the agency does well. Moving up the Ladder As the years go by, you will gain more experience and require less supervision. Youll lose the junior title. Whereas once, nine out of ten ideas would go in the trash, you will start getting most of your campaigns through the first few cuts. Youll need less help with writing and art directing. Youll attend shoots on your own. And youll be empowered to make decisions. As you gain more success, and no doubt move from agency to agency, you will build your confidence and start to develop your own personal creative style. Just as Bill Bernbach and David Ogilvy had differing approaches, so too will you. Or you should if you want to carve your own creative path. As you work in different agencies, and on different accounts, you will be given multiple opportunities to hone your skills and your approach to the work. While its important to ensure that your own personal style doesnt overshadow the brand or product, you can bring something of yourself to every job. Just take a look at the work of Tom Carty and Walter Campbell for an example of that. They always made the client shine, but they did it in a way that was ve ry much their own style. Getting Close to the Top After proving yourself for a few more years, you will eventually move into a senior role. It would be senior art director, senior copywriter, or senior designer. The level of experience needed to fill these roles varies vastly from country to country, and state to state. A senior in the Mid-West may only need for or five years under his or her belt. In the big cities, like New York, London or Paris, you may need double that amount of experience under your belt. You will be given people to supervise and will take over whole projects and accounts. Its not a great leap from this role to that of Associate Creative Director or ACD. You will still specialize in your chosen field, but will now have a whole team of people working under you. The Creative Director will trust you to make major decisions on these accounts, often without his or her approval. You will go to more and more client meetings and will have a ritterlich amount of non -creative work to do. It is the point at which many creative people prefer to stay. It gives them the right balance of management duties and creative freedom. But after this point, things get very different. Finally Youre a Creative Director The buck stops here comes with the job title. Now, in your role as creative director, you have to put aside a lot of your time that was spent being creative. Its your job to direct others, not to push the work out yourself. That vision you have been honing for years will become very important to you. The years of experience dealing with people, interpreting briefs and presenting to clients will take over. You are now steering the ship, and the junior creatives will look up to you as the person they most want to be. It has all come full circle. Its taken thousands and thousands of hours of hard work and dedication to get to this point. Its up to you what kind of CD you want to be, but remember where you came from, and be better than the CDs you trained under. It may not seem possible, but if you strive to be better than the best, the industry will thrive.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

How I Chose One Job Offer Over Another

How I Chose One Job Offer Over AnotherHow I Chose One Job Offer Over AnotherAs a recent college graduate trying to find a job, I found myself in an enviable situation more than one job offer to choose from. But as excited as I welches, this was one of the hardest decisions Ive had to face. On the one hand, I had my first full-time job offer for a receptionist/administrative position. It wasnt relevant to my field of interest, but it was a good opportunity, nonetheless. On the other hand, I had a part-time public relations internship offer. The work really interested me, but there was no guarantee for the future. To make it all the more difficult, the full-time position was with a startup offering competitive compensation, full benefits and equity. The internship offered less pay, but it was with an established, reputable company that I knew I could learn a great deal from. It was like comparing apples to oranges.So how - and why - did I choose to take the internship at Robert Half? I took the job that sounded most interesting to me and that would best foster my professional growth. And I tried to ignore everything else. If youre a recent graduate, more money and cooler perks certainly sound appealing. But are you prepared to start your career in a field thats unrelated to your desired profession and potentially unfulfilling? I wasnt.Robert Half offers resources to help you reach your career goals. Explore our Career Center for advice on resume preparation, interviewing and more.Questions to ask when choosing one job offer over anotherHere are five questions I asked myself when comparing the two positions - and I encourage you to ask the same questionsif youre ever considering more than one job offer. 1. What are your career goals, and which job will eventually lead to a better opportunity?Consider the job offers and how they align with your desired career path. Ask yourself if either position will offer opportunity for advancement and professional gain, or if you will find yourself in a position with limited growth potential. Inquire about opportunities to attend trainings, participate in workshops or take advantage of other benefits that can enhance your professional development.When I interviewed for the insternship at Robert Half, I learned it was full of opportunities to learn new things through training courses and from established professionals. And the work was in line with what I imagined myself doing years from now.2. Will you have a good mentor?When considering a job offer, especially as a recent graduate, it is important to take a position that allows you to find a mentor. A good mentor will help you learn the ropes, expand your network and take steps to reach your career goals.At Robert Half, I have not one, but two, extremely valuable mentors. Both provide me with challenging assignments, guidance and constructive feedback, and they really motivate me to achieve my highest potential. Like my mentors, your mentor should be a person who you can truly look up to in your profession.3. How is the company structure and culture?Will you look forward to coming into work every day? Whats your impression of the people with whom youve interacted? Does the company seem like a good fit? Company culture can make all the difference when it comes to job satisfaction and can even make up for a lower salary or less generous benefits.There are a few ways to evaluate company culture. You can start by checking out reviews on Glassdoor to see how current employees really feel about their company. (But, as with any online review, there are a few caveats to consider.) Also, when you go in for the interview, really pay attention and evaluate your potential colleagues and supervisors - its important to determine what type of work environment best fits your personality and brings out your best performance.4. Have you made a pros and cons list?Its much easier to decide between job offers when you have the information laid out s ide by side. Start with compensation and then compare benefits, location and commute times, job duties, opportunities for advancement, stability of the company, office environment and any other aspect that could contribute to your job satisfaction. Chances are one choice will begin to outweigh the other.5. What is your gut telling you?Your initial reactions of each prospective employer, based on the interview, people youve interacted with, compensation package and job responsibilities, should be a good indication of which role is right for you. Be honest with yourself and really consider which position you will be happiest in over the long run. Remember, youll be spending the majority of your days there, so try to be sure the work is both enjoyable and challenging.totenstill cant decide which job offer is best for you? When all else fails, flip a coin. Before it lands, you will likely know which side you were hoping forStill looking for the right job offer? See how Robert Half can h elp your job search.Visit Our Job Seekers PageMore advice on how to find a job and launch a successful careerFirst Jobs Leave Lasting ImpressionsAdvice for the Recent College Graduate

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Hidden Solutions to Social Work Resume Example Discovered

Hidden Solutions to Social Work Resume Example Discovered The Key to Successful Social Work Resume Example Remember you would like to demonstrate that you are able to be an important asset to the provider. Prior to beginning, make sure to do a whole lot of research about the business. Along with emailing, reach out to the company on social networking, especially if the business is small. Irrespective of if you work at a huge business or a small company, youre probably going to have a great experience. Writing a regular resume isnt enough, especially when youre just beginning your career. The target of your resume is to secure you the interview. If you own a specialty, make it clear by describing relevant abilities or providing details with the proper work history. To do this, you will need to explain to new people what can give them confidence you will have the ability to donate to the new kollektiv. Working with friends also offers you experience of working in a team and permits you to work on a bigger project. If youre interested in a particular team, you can look for people on this team too. It is fundamentally the same whether you take advantage of a functional or chronological resume. The duration of your resume depends on your level services experience. It is dependent on your level of experience. Uploading to our resume database requires you to make an account. There are various sorts of social works that individuals would love to get involved in which you are able to immediately recognize the content of their Resume Objectives. Outlining resume experience utilizing computer computer software applications like Microsoft Office is functional also. Language skills are highly desired in social work, because sometimes youll have clients whose first language isnt English. The Birth of Social Work Resume Example You are probably going to require a resume. With the above mentioned samples of objectives for the social worker position read ily available to utilize in crafting yours, you will surely have the ability to think of an extremely effective one for your resume. Companies want somebody who can address an issue. An important point to understand is that while prior experience with technologies is always a plus, companies start looking for folks who understand how to locate answers to problems independently. Theres more than 1 sort of resume. Youll probably be in a little bit of a struggle before youll discover your very first project. The perfect format for your resume is shown in the example that you will just need to adjust for your own personal circumstance. Employing complex language is practically a sort of intellectual segregation. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Social Work Resume Example Is Wrong An easy formula to bear in mind is STAR. Just because your employer doesnt notice your contribution for something doesnt indicate its not important. You should add something which demonstra tes that youre following the firm. It may also be valuable to review different resumes to obtain an idea about what you want your resume to include. Understanding Social Work Resume Example Conclusion Crafting a social worker resume that catches the interest of hiring managers is essential for getting the job. You need to be able to compose your social work resume on a SNAP scrip and receive the job. Resume work licensure confirms that social workers have the suitable education and training so as to supply competent services to the general public. Social work licensure confirms that social workers have the suitable education and training so as to give competent services to the general public. It is necessary to tailor your cover letter to the particular job. Landing a fantastic advertising internship position aint straightforward. The work description of the clinical social worker revolves around the social facet of patients health and offers them with useful suggestions and guidance about how to handle an array of physiological issues they may experience. Prior to going out on a work hunt for a new position in the area of social work, you must make certain your resume is all up to the job. It can be difficult to acquire your very first job if you dont have any experience. Make certain you specify positions held. Therefore youll need to target your resume to fit the specific position thats advertised and attempt to blend your skills with the requirements of the corporation.

Monday, December 2, 2019

8 Kris Kringle gifts that wont get you fired

8 Kris Kringle gifts that wont get you fired 8 Kris Kringle gifts that wont get you firedPosted November 14, 2013, by Andrea Riddell So you pulled Rita from accounts in the office Kris Kringle draw, when you really wanted Antonio from sales. Now what? You were building up such a rapport with Antonio and you hardly know Rita at all Finding a suitable Kris Kringle gift that simultaneously says nothing offensive about your receiver and says everything about your awesomeness is difficult. But dont worry weve got your back with some gift ideas for all the Ritas* out there. *By Rita we mean anyone of any age, sex or taste. Mini shopping cart People love miniature things. And this applies to this mini shopping cart. For someone who thoroughly enjoys the weekly grocery shop more than most people, or who has a penchant for eccentric storage ideas. New York magnetic poetry fruchtwein people have fridges. And most people love New York. Cant lose. Snowman cookie kit Rather than slapping a red bow on the top of a Walkers Shortbread tin, make Rita do some of the armwork with a make-your-own cookie kit. There is also a good chance that shell be so enamoured with your gift that shell bring you some to sample. Wine I dont like alcohol. Said no one ever. Chocolate mint tea Or play it safe by giving Rita some tea in a fancy box. But inject some fun by choosing a quirky flavour. You cant go wrong with a classic combination (did someone say Mint Slice?) and even if it tastes crap, as most flavoured teas are wont to do, the novelty will still impress. Nail stickers If Rita is a young, female 20-something who always looks well groomed, then this gift will be more exciting than the rose-smelling bath bombs you had your eye on. Giant gobstopper If Rita is a child trapped in an adults body then shell have hours of fun 28, in fact with this awesome gift. Bacon toothpaste Because bacon. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Bod y Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice Administrator CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineAndrea RiddellRelated ArticlesBrowse moreCharles Sturt University (CSU)CommunicationsHow to Make Your Mark in the CommunicationsThe communication industry is all about telling stories. Learn strategies to build your career as a professional in communications and ensure your stories get seen, heard or read.Career AdvisorsJob hunting tips5 Signs You Need to Hire a Resume WriterIf your job hunt is leading nowhere, then maybe its time to hire a resume writer. Resume writers can help you shine on paper. Check out these 5 signs you need to hire a resume writer.Level up with Swinburne OnlineRethink the way you learn with Swinburne Online. Enrol with this one-of-a-kind institution by the end of June, and watch your career prospects multiply.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why You Cant Make That Decision (and Smart Ways to Get Over It)

Why You Cant Make That Decision (and Smart Ways to Get Over It)Why You Cant Make That Decision (and Smart Ways to Get Over It)Youve just worked your third 12-hour day in a row, with no sign of the craziness winding down in the days ahead, when a client calls you with yet another problem that needed to be solved- yesterday. In that moment, it may seem like your brain simply gives up while your client is still on the line, waiting for you to provide another one of the quick, brilliant solutions that shes come to depend on you for. This moment of mental paralysis, or the inability to make an effective decision in a brief moment, even if its normally easy for you, is whats known as decision fatigue. Psychologists whove studied decision fatigue have found that it can cause anything from indecisiveness to impulse purchases (a yellow jumpsuit- really?). Because humans have a finite reserve of mental energy on a given day, when its exhausted we either make poor decisions or avoid making them altogether. And in this day and age of long hours, overflowing inboxes, and packed calendars, its no wonder were depleting these mental reserves more quickly than we can replenish them for optimal decision-making.Decision-Making Its a Marathon, Not a SprintIt seems that the more decisions were forced to make- and often the more weight these decisions carry- the more we can deplete our ability to sustain good judgment calls. Think about it How many decisions have you made, big or small, in first few hours of any given day? It begins with deciding what to eat for breakfast, what clothes to wear, and what music to listen to on the way to work. From there, decisions- and their consequences- grow in number and significance. Just think about the number of emails you receive and the decisions you need to make around how to respond, what to prioritize, whether to delegate to a colleague- your inbox alone can be an overwhelming example of decision fatigue. But, since none of these decisions are going anywhere, its important to learn how to avoid burnout and manage your mental energy effectively. To get started, try following a few tried-and-true decision making guidelines.First Things FirstEach evening, anticipate what, if any, major decisions youll need to make the next day, such as approving a budget or selecting a vendor. Then, try to organize your day as much as possible so that you can make these decisions early on during the morning, before your reserves are depleted. If an important request or question comes up in the late afternoon or evening when you already feel run ragged, flag it as a to-do for early the next day when your brain is refreshed and youve had some time to process it.Replace Decisions with CommitmentsIts 6 PM, and you promised yourself youd go to the gym after work. But now youre leaving the office late, your stomach is starting to rumble, and you opt for watching House of Cards on the couch instead of cardio. Now imagine if youd made a non-neg otiable contract with yourself to hit the gym every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By committing to and scheduling the gym, theres no decision to make Working out is already a parte of your day that youve determined youll make happen. You can do the same thing throughout your day or week. For example, try laying out your wardrobe on Sunday evening for the week ahead (making note of the weather forecast and any special occasions) so you wont be stuck in a panic each morning, wondering what to wear. Make Space in Your ScheduleGive yourself some time between meetings to let your brain process the information you received so that youre able to offer up good decisions in subsequent sessions. Try scheduling meetings for 45 minutes instead of an hour, allowing 15 minutes for reflection and as a mental break ahead of your next appointment. And definitely dont schedule meetings right before lunch or at the very end of the day when peoples decision-making capabilities and attention span are t ypically low. And speaking of lunch, nows the time to finally quit eating lunch at your desk and get out of the office This switches your mental gears, releasing your mind from the grip of your to-do list, and lets you come back to it with a fresh perspective, helping replenish your decision-making capabilities for the next part of your day.Stay FueledYour mom always said never to make an important decision on an empty stomach, and it turns out that isnt bad advice If you know youll have to be making decisions late in the day, snack after lunch to make koranvers your brain is receiving the energy it needs to run on. In the end, one of the best defenses you can have against decision fatigue is simply knowing it exists and how it works. Mastering optimal decision-making in spite of this can help you make better decisions consistently and avoid the negative consequences that come with inadvertent bad judgment calls. Photo of man at crossroads courtesy of Shutterstock.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

4 ways to set yourself up for success during your first week at a new job

4 ways to set yourself up for success during your first week at a new job4 ways to set yourself up for success during your first week at a new jobStarting a new job can be overwhelming, but you shouldnt just close your eyes and hope for the best. Instead, heres plan of attack for the first week.Meet with your managerLaura Katen, President of Katen Consulting, writes in The Muse that you should keep your boss informed in the first weekThroughout the week, ask for periodic meetings with your boss (instead of popping in her amtsstube for every question you have). In addition to getting her direction on projects and tasks, you should use this time to update her on what youre learning and who youre meeting with.Ask questions like Are there additional tasks I should be taking on or skills I should be learning? and Can you give me feedback on the project I just completed? to show initiative, but also do a lot of listening, too. Your boss feedback and insight is going to be one of your great est resources at this point- after all, youre going to be spending the next weeks, months, and maybe even years working for her, and learning how she thinks early on will serve you well.Get to know your new surroundingsIndeeds online career guide recommends that you learn how to navigate and enjoy your new workplaceLocate the restrooms, the coffeeand water, the stairs and elevators, where you can eat lunch and take breaks, and seek out any other amenities this workplace offers. If you havent been given a tour, consider asking a colleague for one. In this first week, you may also want to experiment with your commute finding the right times to leave home and testing different routes or transportation methods. Identifying and establishing the routines early on will give you peace of mind.Put your time inHannah Morgan, a speaker and author, writes in U.S. News World Report that you should arrive early, leave lateDuring your first few weeks on the job, everyone (not just your boss) is o bserving how you behave. Learn what the normal work day patterns look like by watching what time your co-workers arrive and leave. You dont have to be the first person in the office, but you should arrive earlier than most. And dont just skipiste out in your cube. Use this time to have a brief chat with a colleague in the break room or offer help to someone who looks stressed.She also mentions that you should touch base with your manager before heading out.Dont feed the rumor millThis wont help your career.Dawn Rosenberg McKay, an author and career planning professional, writes in The Balance that you should not get caught up in the office gossip at the start of a new positionWhether its over lunch or around the proverbial water cooler,gossiphappens in every workplace. Neither ignore or share it.Keep your ears open but your mouth closed. You may learn valuable information, for example, your bosss foul mood is due to his having a difficult time at home, and he isnt always like this. Dont contribute anything to the conversation. Also, keep in mind that not everything you hear is true.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Everything you need to know about Search

Everything you need to know about SearchEverything you need to know about SearchEverything you need to know about SearchMonsterYoure a recruiter, and candidate search is part of your joba big, time-consuming part. But building strong candidate relationships is a big part too.In todays tight labor market, you dont want a search tool that clogs your pipeline with unqualified candidates.And you definitely dont have time to juggle multiple platforms and dashboards trying to connect with candidates. Thats why we created SearchMonster, our next-generation search technology that gives you a smarter way to engage with qualified candidatesin a much more meaningful way.We know youve got questions and weve got answers.What kind of searching can I do?One of the really great things about Searchis it gives you the option to search the way you want to search. Comfortable with Boolean (leveraging operator words like and and or and symbols)? Do it Ready for a more advanced search? Semantic search app lies related keywords to each term and landseeks to understand the searchers intent and the contextual meaning of terms to bring in broader and more results.Are searches adjustable?Yup. Start your search with broad criterialets say job titlethen use filters like education, salary, veteran status, relocation, citizenship and more, to change results. Its kind of like erreichbar shopping. Start with a search that shows every possible candidate in a geographic area, then use filters to narrow or widen your pool to a more manageable group of best-fit candidates.I see candidates that fit my requirements, but I need more info. How can I get it?Where applicable, information from third party platforms like GitHub and AboutMe fill in additional information on the candidate profile, giving more context and greater background. Social media profile links on candidates profiles also help you get insight into their personal and professional interests.I need to contact candidates fast. How can I do it?If theyve opted in, you can send them a text message or an email, telling them about that terrific job theyd be a perfect match for. Were particularly excited to introduce SMS text messaging from the platform because research shows that texting is the preferred medium of communication for people aged 18-44, and text messages are read over 95% of the time.How do I know someone else in my organization hasnt already reached out?Searchhelps you avoid those duplicate messages that candidates find so annoying, by letting you see who in your organization has already contacted them and when. Text messages read like a group email within the platform.Togglings tedious. Is Searcha single platform?Yes, it is Searchnew and improved three panel UI helps recruiters easily filter, discover and view candidates in one simple view.How can I tell if my candidate outreach is working?Built-in analytics help you track the stats (e.g., sent, open, click rates) behind each campaign, adjust the parameter s if needed, and understand candidate behavior.Is Searchnew?Yes Our latest search tool, SearchMonster, takes our decades of enhancing and refining search technology and our candidate engagement expertise to the most advanced level, to help recruiters find the right fit faster. With more powerful filters, search method options, candidatetexting, and social profile and aggregated skills access, Searchnext-generation technology moves the process from candidate search to qualified candidate hire.